Requirements Gathering Please fill out bellow form to Place Order First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Phone (required) Services you need (required) Which documents do you need done?Bank statementPaystubsTax returnsUtility bills Select New Or Edit PDF (required) Select PDFCreate new document(s) from scratchEdit my existing document (you will need to provide your current pdf document) Select Month (required) Select MonthSingle MonthMultiple Month Name to be appeared on statement? Address to be appeared on Statement? Which months needed? Beginning balance of 1st month Ending balance of 1st month? Average ending balance of rest of the months? Total deposits in 1st months and average total deposits each month (Please mention any specific deposits you would like me to show otherwise I will use random business transactions)? Total withdrawl in 1st months and average total withdrawls each month (Please mention any specific withdrawls you would like me to show otherwise I will use random business transactions)? Any other specific transactions you would like me to show? Account # and Bank Name to be appeared on statement? Address to be appeared on Statement? Which months needed? Beginning balance? Ending balance? Average daily balance? Total deposits (Please mention any specific deposits you would like me to show otherwise I will use random business transactions)? Total withdrawl (Please mention any specific withdrawls you would like me to show otherwise I will use random business transactions)? Any other specific transactions you would like me to show. Account # and Bank. Any other requirements? > Name of employee Name of employer Address of employer Last 4 digits of SSN of employee Address of employee Number of paystubs YTD period Select1234567 Gross income Pay period WeeklyBiweeklyMonthly Pay period dates from Pay period dates To Select Individual Or Corporate (required) Select Tex returnsIndividualCorporate Name of corporation, wether it is S-corp or C-corp Date of incorporation EIN of corporation Nature of business e.g. what type of activities your busniess is involved in. Have you maintained accounting records of corporation e.g. Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet, if yes, please provide me those records for relevant years If you haven't maintained accounting records, please provide me the estimated figures of your revenue, expense alongwith a brief descrition Note: This is not a complete list of queries, I will ask you some further questions(if needed). Your complete name and date of birth Marital status and your filing status i.e. single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, Social security number Complete Communication Address i.e. Hosue #, Stree, Town/City/PO, State and ZIP Code. Do you have any dependent(s)? Have you received any Rental Income? Have you received any salary during the year(s)? Have you purchased shares of any company? Have you received any social security benefit during the year? Have you received any health care benefit during the year? Estimated amount you paid for purchasing fuel for your vehicles during the year? (If any) Note: This is not a complete list of queries, I will ask you some further questions(if needed). Instruction Upload file ❌ ❌ Your Preferred Payment Method? Pay PalDebit card/Credit cardBitcoin Disclaimer: By placing the order i acknowledge that i will be using these documents only for NOVELTY purposes & that i will be solely responsible for all documents. Please prove you are human by selecting the Cup. Please contact us on WHATSAPP or start a LIVE CHAT session before placing any order. You can also give us a call at +1 914 (202) 3836 Live Chat or Contact Us